Electric Car Breakdown on Highway: Recovery Tips & Dead Battery Solutions

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Being stuck on the highway with an electric car that won’t budge can be a daunting experience. But don’t worry, with the right knowledge and a calm approach, you can handle this situation with ease. I’ll walk you through the steps to get back on the road safely and quickly. Remember, the most important thing is to stay safe and informed.

Key Takeaways

  • If your electric car breaks down, immediately turn on your hazard lights and safely navigate to the side of the road.

  • Keep an emergency kit in your vehicle that includes a high-visibility vest, warning triangle, and basic tools.

  • Electric cars cannot be jump-started like traditional cars, but the 12-volt battery can be.

  • When in doubt, always call for professional roadside assistance to handle your electric car.

  • Contact us for expert advice and assistance if you find yourself stranded with a dead battery.

We’ve compiled a table showing the estimated battery costs for select electric vehicle brands as of the latest available information:


Battery Type

Battery Capacity (kWh)

Battery Cost ($)


Chevrolet Volt




Hyundai Ioniq PHEV




Nissan Leaf


40 kWh (pack)


Tesla Model 3


75 kWh


Tesla Model S


100 kWh


Volkswagen e-Golf


24 kWh


BMW i3


Not specified

Not specified

No direct data; typically uses similar chemistries to others listed

Cadillac Escalade IQ

Nickel Cobalt MnAl

200 kWh


Ram 1500 REV

Nickel Cobalt Mn

229 kWh


Rivian Delivery Van

Lithium Iron Phos

135 kWh


Ford Mustang

Lithium Iron Phos

70 kWh


Please note that these figures represent approximate values and may change due to fluctuations in raw material pricing and manufacturing processes.

Stranded with Your Electric Car?

When your electric vehicle (EV) comes to an unexpected halt, it’s crucial to act quickly but calmly. First things first, turn on your hazard lights to alert other drivers that you’re experiencing difficulties. This is essential for your safety and the safety of others on the road. Then, if possible, guide your car to the nearest shoulder or safe area away from traffic. This might seem basic, but it’s the foundation of roadside safety.

Once you’re safely parked, assess the situation. Is it a flat tire, a dead battery, or something else? Most importantly, if you feel that you’re in danger or unable to handle the issue, it’s time to call for professional help. There’s no shame in asking for assistance; it’s the smart thing to do.

Besides that, let’s not forget the power of preparation. Always keep your phone charged and have your emergency contacts ready. If your car has an in-built emergency assistance system, now is the time to use it.

Common Reasons for Electric Car Breakdowns

Electric cars are marvels of modern technology, but they can encounter issues just like any vehicle. The most common reasons for breakdowns include:

  • Depleted battery: The most obvious and perhaps the most concerning issue is running out of charge.

  • 12-volt battery problems: Even though the main lithium-ion battery powers your EV, the 12-volt battery is crucial for starting the car and running auxiliary functions.

  • Tire issues: Punctures or blowouts can happen to any vehicle, including EVs.

  • Electrical system glitches: Software problems or electrical component failures can occur unexpectedly.

Understanding these common issues can help you pinpoint what might be wrong with your electric car. Therefore, you’ll be better prepared to explain the situation when you contact us for assistance.

Immediate Steps to Ensure Safety

Now that you’ve identified the problem, it’s time to think about safety. If you’re on a busy highway, stay inside your vehicle with the doors locked. It’s generally safer than standing outside, especially if there’s heavy traffic. Use your smartphone or in-car system to call for help, and wait for assistance to arrive.

If you must leave your vehicle for safety reasons, do so carefully. Exit on the side away from traffic, and make sure to wear a high-visibility vest if you have one. Set up a warning triangle behind your car to further alert oncoming traffic. Safety should always be your top priority.

Remember, electric cars require specific handling procedures, especially when it comes to towing and battery issues. It’s best to wait for professionals who are trained to deal with these situations.

Signs Your Electric Car Battery Is About to Drain

  • The range indicator is flashing or shows a significantly reduced distance.

  • You receive a battery warning light or alert on your dashboard.

  • The car’s performance starts to decrease, and acceleration becomes sluggish.

  • Non-essential features may shut down to conserve power.

It’s essential to keep an eye on your electric car’s range indicator. This is your first line of defense against being stranded. If you notice any of these signs, it’s time to find a charging station quickly. With proper attention, you can prevent a complete battery drain and the resulting inconvenience.

Most electric cars will give you ample warning before the battery is completely drained. However, if you’ve missed these signs and find yourself with a dead battery, don’t panic. There are steps you can take to get back on the road.

If you’re unsure about the remaining range or battery health, it’s wise to plan your trips with charging stations in mind. This proactive approach can save you from unexpected stops and give you peace of mind during longer journeys.

On-Spot Charging Solutions: Is It Possible?

When you’re stuck with a drained battery, on-spot charging might seem like a dream solution. However, it’s not as simple as plugging into any outlet. Portable chargers do exist, but they are not a one-size-fits-all solution and often require a compatible power source and plenty of time to charge.

Finding the Nearest Charging Station

If your battery is low but not completely dead, your in-car navigation system or a smartphone app can help you locate the nearest charging station. Many electric vehicles offer this feature as part of their connected services. If you’re already at a standstill, it’s time to call for roadside assistance—they can guide you to or, if necessary, transport you to the nearest charging station.

Utilizing Roadside Assistance for Electric Vehicles

Roadside assistance is a lifesaver when you’re dealing with an electric car breakdown. They’re equipped to handle EV-specific issues and can provide services like towing to the nearest charging station or certified repair shop.

Some providers even offer mobile charging units that can give your car enough power to reach a charging station. It’s crucial to have a roadside assistance number saved in your phone or easily accessible in your vehicle.

  • Check if your EV manufacturer offers complimentary roadside assistance.

  • Look for plans that include towing to the nearest charging station.

  • Consider plans with mobile charging services for immediate on-site assistance.

Having a roadside assistance plan in place before you encounter any issues will give you confidence and security on the road. This proactive measure ensures that you’re never left stranded without a solution.

Remember, different roadside assistance providers offer varying levels of service. Some may have limitations on the distance they’ll tow your vehicle or may not have mobile charging units available. It’s important to choose a plan that fits your specific needs and travel habits.

Choosing the Right Roadside Assistance Plan

“When selecting a roadside assistance plan for your electric vehicle, consider coverage, response times, and additional benefits like trip interruption services. Your choice could mean the difference between a quick recovery and a prolonged inconvenience.”

Here are some factors to consider:

  • Does the plan cover the full range of potential electric car issues?

  • What is the maximum towing distance, and is it enough for your typical routes?

  • Are there any additional perks, like discounts on charging or rentals?

Choosing a comprehensive plan that understands the nuances of electric vehicles can provide you with the best support in the event of a breakdown. That’s why it’s crucial to research and select a roadside assistance provider that specializes in EVs.

What to Expect When You Call for Help

When you contact roadside assistance, be ready to provide your location, vehicle make and model, and a description of the issue. The more information you can give, the better they can assist you. You can expect the service provider to:

  • Ask detailed questions about your situation.

  • Provide an estimated time of arrival for assistance.

  • Offer instructions on what to do while you wait.

They’ll then dispatch the nearest available service vehicle to your location. If you’ve chosen a provider that specializes in electric vehicles, they may be able to offer on-the-spot charging to get you to the nearest charging station.

Make the Call: Seeking Professional Support

Dealing with a breakdown can be stressful, but remember, help is just a phone call away. Whether you need towing, a charge, or just some expert advice, don’t hesitate to contact us. Our team is ready to assist you with your electric car needs and ensure you’re back on the road safely and swiftly.

When you contact roadside assistance, be ready to provide your location, vehicle make and model, and a description of the issue. The more information you can give, the better they can assist you. You can expect the service provider to:

  • Ask detailed questions about your situation.

  • Provide an estimated time of arrival for assistance.

  • Offer instructions on what to do while you wait.

They’ll then dispatch the nearest available service vehicle to your location. If you’ve chosen a provider that specializes in electric vehicles, they may be able to offer on-the-spot charging to get you to the nearest charging station.

Make the Call: Seeking Professional Support

Dealing with a breakdown can be stressful, but remember, help is just a phone call away. Whether you need towing, a charge, or just some expert advice, don’t hesitate to contact us. Our team is ready to assist you with your electric car needs and ensure you’re back on the road safely and swiftly.


Can an electric car be jump-started like a gas-powered vehicle?

Electric cars are different from gas-powered vehicles when it comes to jump-starting. While you can’t jump-start the main lithium-ion battery that powers the EV’s motor, the smaller 12-volt battery used for running auxiliary functions can be jump-started. However, you should consult your vehicle’s manual or call for professional assistance to avoid any potential damage.

How far can an electric car go on a low battery warning?

The distance an electric car can travel on a low battery warning varies depending on the model and driving conditions. Generally, you should have enough range to get to a nearby charging station, but it’s best to charge your car before the battery level gets too low. Planning your route to include charging stops is a wise strategy for avoiding any range anxiety.

What should I do if I’m too far from a charging station?

If you’re too far from a charging station and your battery is running low, don’t panic. Call for roadside assistance immediately. They can tow your vehicle to the nearest charging station, and some services even provide portable charging options to help you get there on your own.

How long does it take for roadside assistance to reach an EV?

The response time for roadside assistance can vary based on your location, the time of day, and the service provider. Typically, help should arrive within 30 minutes to an hour. When you call, the provider will give you an estimated time of arrival, so you’ll know how long you can expect to wait.

Can I tow my electric car with another vehicle?

Towing an electric car with another vehicle is not recommended unless you’re using a flatbed tow truck. Traditional towing methods can damage the EV’s drivetrain. Always consult your vehicle’s manual and use professional towing services that are familiar with the proper procedures for electric vehicles.

In conclusion, while an electric car breakdown can be a challenging situation, being prepared and knowing what to do can make a big difference. Keep these tips in mind, maintain a well-stocked emergency kit, and always have a plan for roadside assistance. And remember, if you ever find yourself in a bind, we’re here to help. Just contact us for expert assistance and support.

If you find yourself stranded with an electric car breakdown due to a dead battery, don’t panic. There are several steps you can take to safely handle the situation. First, make sure to pull over to a safe spot on the highway if possible. Then, contact a roadside assistance service that can help with electric vehicles. While you wait for help to arrive, stay with your vehicle if it’s safe to do so. If your electric car has a secondary battery, use it to power emergency lights or communication devices if necessary.
